5 Social Media Tips For Yoga Teachers

5 min read

If you’re a new yoga teacher, you might be feeling a bit overwhelmed by social media. What should you post? How often? I used to feel the same way. It took me a long time to figure out what really works and helps me to grow my tribe authentically.

You can grow your yoga tribe by using my 5 top social media tips.

Be Consistent And Reliable

Post your class schedules, events, and workshops on Facebook or other social media sites to keep your students informed. Post your classes, events, and seminars regularly, at least on Facebook. You could, for example, post your weekly teaching schedule each Monday.

If they know they can find the information they need on your page, even if they don’t see it in their feeds very often, they will still visit you when they want to. It would be best if you were consistent. Your page will not be called again if your last update was a few months ago.

This handy checklist will show you what to do on social media each day, every week, and every month. Click Here for a free copy.

Be Real

If you are a social media-savvy yogi, you don’t have to post photos of yourself doing handstands on a tropical island (unless that is what you want).

Post pictures that have a purpose instead. Your feed should be both beautiful and have substance. Your business will be a bit “meh” if you don’t know what your purpose is.

Give people a good reason to care. Imagine a world in the future, a society that is better, or inspiring lifestyles. You’ll gain a following of people who will be emotionally invested in your message.

Don’t try to be perfect, either! Show your REAL self, from behind the scenes to the ideal poses that everyone sees all the time on Instagram. Keep your descriptions relevant and real. It’s been done before. Posting a picture of a handstand with a quote from Rumi is a common thing.

Since social media is so prevalent, people are also starting to demand authenticity. Live video is so popular because it is hard to hide behind an Instagram photo that is perfectly curated when you are live on camera.

Speak Your Student’s Language

Do you speak your client’s native Language? Are you speaking in a foreign language? You say your Language if you use industry jargon, such as Sanskrit, all the time.

The way your students express themselves, their dreams, hopes, desires, needs, and fears. It’s their Language. It’s your job to figure out what they really want and describe how you can assist them in their their Language.

Let me give you an illustration to show what I mean.

Your Language: I am going to be teaching myofascial release techniques in a new workshop.

Your students’ Language: I have this tension in both shoulders that I cannot seem to remove. I wish I had some techniques I could practice at home.

You can see the disconnect? You and your client have the same goal, which is to release tension. However, you are communicating this goal in two very different languages. Here’s how to translate your offer.

All those hours spent at the desk have left you with tight shoulders. Join me at my next workshop, where I will share with you some amazing techniques to release deep muscle tension. You’ll feel as light and relaxed as a feather.

Connect and Engage

Social media is a great way to build relationships with students and other yoga teachers.

Engaging with your social media followers is the best way to grow them. You can’t just post stunning photos or have an Instagram feed that is well-designed. Follow other accounts that you enjoy, leave comments on their posts, and like them to build a community.

Bring the social back to social media.

Create online relationships with people who share your interests. Share your expertise with your community. Get inspired, grow, and learn!

Measuring Your Growth and Not Your Followers

Your first hundred likes are on Facebook and Instagram. People are liking and commenting on your posts. You may now be asking yourself, “How do I know this is good?”

Let’s start by saying that it doesn’t really matter how many social media followers you have. Do not compare yourself with yoga teachers who have a larger following on social media. The number of people who have liked your Facebook page within the past 24 hours cannot be used to measure how valuable you are as a yoga teacher.

Tracking your numbers is important. But it would be best if you spent more time monitoring what matters, so you don’t waste any of your precious time or your sanity.

Look at the growth of your followers over a month rather than the total number. When you notice that your growth is declining, consider what you could have done to improve your posts. Celebrate when you are gaining more followers.

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