Bikram yoga poses: 26 postures

7 min read

Bikram yoga is one of the most popular styles of yoga in the world. Founded by Bikram Choudhury in the 1970s, Bikram yoga consists of 26 yoga asanas and two pranayama exercises that never change. The class is done in a “hot room,” which is heated to 105°F (40°C) in order to replicate the temperatures in India.

Bikram Yoga is a form of yoga that uses postures and breathing exercises to strengthen and stretch the body. The heated room allows the practitioner to sweat more and go deeper in the Pose. Bikram yoga is also known as 26+2, which consists of 26 poses and two breathing exercises. The majority of poses are repeated twice and held for between 6-60 seconds, depending on the Pose.

You can find the 26 Bikram Yoga poses below, which you can practice at home.

Pranayama: Standing Deep Breathing

The Bikram sequence begins in a standing posture with a breathing exercise called pranayama. A deep inhale, followed by a deeper exhale, is used to increase oxygenation, circulation, and focus.

Half Moon Pose

Ardha Chandrasana, or Half Moon Pose, is the next posture. In Bikram Yoga, this posture is known as Standing Side Stretch.

This Pose stimulates digestive organs and strengthens abdominal muscles.

Awkward Pose

Utkatasana or Awkaward pose is next. This Pose, also known as Chair Pose by other yoga traditions, strengthens your lower body and increases blood circulation.

Here’s how to do the awkward Pose (alongside a few benefits).

Eagle Pose

Garudasana (Eagle Pose) will challenge your balance. This posture strengthens, stretches, and increases mobility in all the major joints. Find out more about this posture by clicking here.

Standing Head-to-Knee Pose

This Pose, Dandayamana janusirsana, or Standing Head to Knee Pose, is a challenging balance position that engages your entire body. This posture strengthens the arms, legs, and core while increasing concentration.

Be sure to work yourself into the Pose slowly. You’re not in a race, and you don’t want to get injured.

Standing bow-pulling Pose

Continuing with balancing, the next transition is into Dandayamana-Dhanurasana or Standing Bow-Pulling Pose. This Pose increases strength, flexibility, and attention throughout the body. The Bikram yoga style also touts this Pose as the only one that equalizes circulation and has the effect of flowing blood between the two sides of the body.

Other forms of yoga teach and practice a very similar posture known as Dancer’s Pose. Here is a great guide on how to do this posture.

Balancing Stick Pose

Tuladandasana is the next Pose of the Bikram sequence. It’s also known as Balancing Stick. This Pose, which requires balance, core strength, and determination, also increases circulation, especially to the brain and heart.

In other yoga styles, this Pose is known as Warrior 3 and is often practiced. This is the way to do it.

Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose

Take a break from balancing with Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Paschimotthanasana (what a mouthful! This Pose is also known as the Separate Leg Stretching Pose. This stretch stretches the spine muscles and the sciatic nerve, as well as the legs. This Pose is believed to improve the function of the abdominal organs.

This Pose is also known as Wide-Legged Forward Fold in other yoga classes. Learn how to do this Pose by clicking here.

Triangle Pose

Trikonasana, or Triangle Pose, is the next Pose in Bikram’s series. It helps to strengthen and stretch both body and mind. In this Pose, the hips and legs, as well as the core, are of focus.

This is a very different version of Triangle Pose than the one found in most other styles. This Pose is called Extended Side angle in other yoga classes. It’s an excellent stretch for the side body. You can learn more about it by clicking here.

Standing Separate Leg Head To Knee Pose

Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Janushirasana, which is translated from Sanskrit as Standing Separate Leg Head To Knee Pose, is a stretch that stretches the legs intensely and opens up the shoulders. This posture has the benefit of massaging internal organs and increasing metabolic rate.

You may have done a similar pose, called Intense side stretch, even if you’re not a Bikram practitioner. Click here to see it.

Tree Pose

The Tree Pose or Tadasana, which is called in Bikram, will help you regain your balance. This Pose strengthens the joints in the ankles and knees as well as the hips.

Toe Stand

Toe Stand or Padangustasana is the final Pose in your standing series. This Pose is important for strengthening the feet. It also increases the range of motion at the hips, ankles, and knees. This Pose also builds mental stamina.

Here are some tips on how to achieve this advanced balance.

Body Pose

The Corpse Pose, or Savasana (corpse pose), is located between the standing series and seated series of Bikram Yoga.

This Pose is not only relaxing but also increases mindfulness. Here are the reasons why you should practice it.

Wind Removing Pose

Take a moment to stretch your hips in the Wind Removing Poses (Pavanamuktasana) before moving on to the seated series. This Pose helps to relieve lower back pain through gentle stretching. This posture also increases hip flexibility and engages the core.

Other yoga styles practice a variation called Knees to Chest. Here’s how.

Sit up

The Bikram Yoga pose of Sit Up (Pada-Hasthasana) is great for focusing your mind, energizing your body, and stretching your legs.

This Pose is often used in other yoga styles. This is the way to do it.

Cobra Pose

Bikram is not an exception. Everyone loves the Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana. This Pose is great for strengthening your core and stretching. It can also prevent back pain.

This is showing you how to do a simple backbend.

Pose of the Locust

Salabhasana is another backbend that strengthens and stretches at the same time. This Pose engages your entire body, toning the buttocks and hips as well as the legs.

Full Locust Pose

Full Locust Pose, or Poorna Salbhasana (Full Locust Pose), works the mid-body.

Bow Pose

Bow Pose or Dhanurasana continues with backbends and is an excellent pose to open your chest and shoulders. This posture is energizing and increases spine mobility.

Fixed Firm Pose

Next, you can release yourself from backbends with a Fixed Firm Pose. This posture will stretch your leg muscles, ankles, and lower back.

This Pose is also known as the Reclining Hero’s Pose and is used in other yoga forms. This is a great tutorial.

Half Tortoise Pose

The Half Tortoise in Bikram Yoga is a relaxing and awesome asana. This posture will help you to release tension in your neck and shoulders while gently stretching your hips.

Here’s the way to do this Pose, as well as some of its benefits.

Camel Pose

There is only one backbend left to complete Camel Pose or Ustrasana. How to do it?

Rabbit Pose

Rabbit Pose or Sasangasana is an excellent release for backbends. This is an easy how-to.

Stretching Pose with Head-to-Knee Pose

Stretching Pose, Janushirasana, and Head-to-Knee Pose (Janushirasana combined with Paschimottanasana) are combined to achieve maximum benefits.

This Pose is also known as the Seated Knee Pose, which is used in other forms of yoga. This is the way to do it.

Spine Twisting Pose

The Spine Twisting pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana) is performed both on the left and right side to realign your spinal column.

This Pose is also known as Half Lord of Fishes Pose. Here’s a great way to perform this twist.

Blowing in the Firm

The Bikram sequence ends with a kneeling position and a pranayama. It’s the use of Kapalbhati breath while in Vajrasana.

Learn how to use it and enjoy its amazing benefits!

That’s it, yogis! You now know everything you need to know about Bikram Yoga and its postures. Have fun practicing!

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