Common Misalignments of Bridge Pose and How to Correct Them

3 min read

At first glance, Bridge Pose doesn’t seem very elaborate, but when you get down to it, it is one of those rich postures filled with goodness! A strengthening posture that increases flexibility, focus, and breath control, it’s like your entire yoga practice in one neat little package.

The more precisely you align your Bridge Pose, the more delicious it can be.

Slowly deepening the posture and starting slowly can provide a range of benefits for spinal flexibility and heart opening. Bridge Pose can strengthen the hamstrings, pelvis, and thighs if done correctly.

It is important to pay attention to your alignment when you bend your back. This will ensure that you get the full benefits of both the frontal opening and the spinal curve.

Here are some quick fixes for the most common Bridge Pose misalignments:


Surprisingly, misalignment of the chin is most common in Bridge Pose. Be sure to leave space between your chest and chin throughout the hold. It keeps your neck and airways open.

You should also avoid moving your head when you are in Bridge Pose. This can lead to neck injuries. You’ll be fine if you stay calm and relaxed.

Foot Placement

It would be best if you had your feet hip-width apart to allow your knees to stack over your ankles.

Many people hold their feet close together or overestimate the width of their hips. This will lead to a shaky foundation, so I recommend starting in a sitting position and placing your legs the same width as your hips. Now, lie down on your back and move into Bridge Pose. Voila! You’ve aligned your feet.

Hip Rotation

In this position, many people’s knees turn outwards or knock inwards. It is important to maintain stability in your pelvis.

If your knees fall out, it means that you have hips that are externally rotated. If your knees are knocking, then you have hips that are too internally rotated. Your feet should be directly underneath your knees. To align your hips, you can either hold your toes slightly inward or turn your heels outward.

Thigh Squeeze

Your thighs should squeeze in tight as if you were trying to hold an object between your knees. Again, this helps to support the pelvis.

Hold a block in place to create this sensation. It will also help you strengthen your hamstrings. You will feel instantly more stable and stronger in your Bridge Pose!

Unsupportive Shoulders

You should rest your shoulders on your arms and let your chest protrude outward. Your Bridge will not be able to stand if you don’t give it the support that it needs.

You can also try pulling on the mat’s edges if this is too difficult. Imagine your shoulder blades coming closer together.


Many people tend to bend their wrists 90 degrees when doing the bridge variation with hands interlaced beneath them. This causes unnecessary wrist strain.

Press your palms as tightly as you can to protect your wrists and encourage an arm stretch.

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