Forearm Stands can be an ideal solution for those scared of the pressure a headstand might put on the neck. However, they are quite challenging poses that require more strength and coordination than a headstand.
Use these five tips to improve your inverting technique!
Learn How to Get Out of Pose
It may seem premature to learn how to exit the pose before you get in, but knowing this is essential for safety. You are more likely to fall if you attempt forearm stands without using the correct technique. We need to think about safe ways to catch your fall. You can use a wall as a support for your feet when you lift them.
When you start practicing without a back wall, you should know how to land softly if you begin falling. If you feel like you are losing, you can bend your knees, arch your back, and land softly with the feet behind you.
Lift your head and chin more forward to shift your weight and make it easier for you to lower your feet.
Arm Placement
The setup of your arms is key to this pose, as they are both the base and the support.
It is useful to place a yoga block against a wall first in order to find the correct arm position. Place the” “L”-shaped triad of your hands (between thumb and index finger) on the corner of the yoga block so that it faces you in its longest position.
As you would normally do for a forearm stand, press the block against the wall. This block will provide you with the right foundation width and prevent your arms from slipping out of place.
If you do not have a blocking device, grab the opposite elbows and place them on the ground. Then, release your grip and slide your hands forward. This is the right width. The elbows will tend to spread out. To prevent this, you should hug them in isometrically, pressing firmly into the ground so that your shoulders are locked into place.
Dolphin Prep
To achieve forearm stands, we will first come into Dolphin Pose. This is an excellent place to work on upper body positioning and stay in. Dolphin Pose is a Downward-Facing Dog done on your forearms.
You can now straighten out your legs into an inverte” “V” shape. You may need to bring your feet closer together than with Down. When you are ready to ascend, continue to press your forearms down to the ground and hug your elbows. Don’t K;ck Float!
Once you are in Dolphin, begin to bring your feet up to your toes, and then walk closer to them. Lift one leg high as the hips start to stack over the forearms.
Instead of hopping, flex your top foot and push the heel back and up. As you raise the leg back, draw in your abdominal muscles.
Slowly bring the foot up to meet the opposite leg if you are able to float it. If you need to hop up to get to your feet, then your core may not be strong enough. Stick with the one-leg prep and add Forearm Planks to help strengthen.
Grab a Partner
An alternative way to achieve the pose is to use a partner. Your partner can hold your lifted ankle while you lift and kick back until the other leg is raised.
When you are stable, and your partner has both of your ankles, ask them to place their fist in between your ankles. You can let them go, but you will still be able to stay afloat if you squeeze their wrist and maintain the hug on the inner thighs. When you practice on your own, squeeze the big toes to form this hug.
Release the hold by having your partner hold the hips so you can pivot from the hips down.
These tips should help you inverting. But remember that it takes time and practice. You’ll get there if you follow each step in order.
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