Hatha yoga is modern yoga as we know it. Every form of yoga that focuses on the physical practice, or asanas, falls under the umbrella of Hatha yoga. It centers on breathing and requires students to maintain their breath while in sometimes challenging poses.
You may be surprised to learn these facts about Hatha Yoga if you have been practicing it for some time.
Hatha Yoga is a fish’s fault.
Hatha Yoga was first mentioned in 1100. Shiva, a Hindu god, is believed to have conceived the idea of Hatha while sitting on an island alone. Shiva told his wife, Parvati, about his ideas, assuming that they were alone. However, a fish heard them. The fish became Matsyendranath or “lords of the fishes,” the saint credited with founding Hatha Yoga.
Like these ancient tales, the story of Shiva and Matsyendranath has evolved. It provides a great framework for understanding early practices.
Hatha literally means Sun and Moon.
Hatha, like all yoga terms, comes from Sanskrit. “Ha” is the sun, and “tha” is the moon.
You’re likely familiar with Sun Salutations or Moon Salutations. The moon is considered feminine, while the sun represents masculine energy. As we practice Hatha Yoga, we balance these two energies in ourselves.
To reap the full benefits of Hatha, you’ll have to find this balance mentally and physically.
Hatha Yoga is all physical yoga, but your studio may say otherwise
Yoga studios like to give their classes creative names. Hatha classes are any class that combines breath and movement, whether it’s Vinyasa or Ashtanga.
Most studios make a distinction, however, between a Hatha class and a Vinyasa. Vinyasa classes follow a dynamic and flowing sequence with breath-matching movement. Hatha classes are likely to focus on holding poses longer without a flowing movement sequence.
It’s not easy. It takes a lot of mental strength to hold a pose for a long time.
It’s not about getting into difficult poses.
The goal of yoga asanas has never been to gain muscle mass or achieve perfect balance. Physical practice was used to prepare the body for meditation.
Most casual yoga students today have other goals when they attend class. They come to class hoping to relax, de-stress, and build strength. All of these are great reasons to practice yoga.
Students may find themselves being called to meditate as they become more engaged in their physical practice. They will then discover that this is where real changes begin to occur.
You can sharpen your mind in 20 minutes a day.
Hatha Yoga has many benefits for the body and mind. Yoga skeptics may find its ability to improve brain functions in only 20 minutes per day the most appealing benefit.
Yoga can improve memory and concentration by calming down and calming the mind. This might help some students, such as corporate CEOs or sports players, to attend class.
Hatha Yoga is a science that uses the body to prepare for the ultimate. ~Sadhguru
Hatha yoga is most likely something you do if you practice yoga. Hatha yoga has evolved a lot from its ancient roots, but it can still be beneficial to all students.
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