How to Do the Revolved Head to Knee Pose

3 min read

Enjoy the challenge of a balancing pose? What strength does it take to hold Warrior II? What is the intense stretch you receive from a Forward Fold? Even the cleansing feeling of a twist? Think you can’t get all of these from a seated pose?

You’re mistaken, my little yogi. I want to introduce Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana, or the Revolved head-to-knee pose, to you.


This pose, even though it is performed on the floor, offers the same benefits as many standing poses. The Revolved head-to-knee pose stretches the neck, shoulders, spine, and back of your leg. The opening twist awakens the digestive system, liver, and kidneys.

This pose will make your body feel long, graceful, and supple while also challenging your flexibility.

How to Do Pose

Sit comfortably on your mat with your legs wide apart. Sit tall with your spine straight and the crown of the head extended, feeling the connection between your sit bones and the ground below you.

Draw the left bottom to the inside of the right thigh by bending your left knee. Keep your right leg long. With your right foot flexed, reach out with your heel.

Inhale deeply as you extend both arms up into the air and then exhale at your hip to reach your body right over your leg.

Press into the connection where your right arm meets your right leg. This connection’s energy will allow you to twist your torso slightly upwards and open up. Hold your torso in this position using your core.

Relax your right hand to the ground. As you inhale, extend your left hand over your head and out to your right toes.

Note how your weight is distributed across your sitzbones. Keep your left sitzbone connected to the ground.

Inhale while you turn your torso to open your heart more toward the sky. Imagine that you are facing the sun and take three to five deep breaths.

Release your left arm and unwind your torso to exit the pose. You should keep your torso facing forward and look down at the ground. As you inhale, slowly round yourself up and sit down.

Repeat the pose to your left.


This pose stretches many muscles deeply. Be gentle as you ease into this pose.

Keep your right leg bent if your hamstrings feel tight. It is better to start with a bent leg and then straighten it when you are more flexible.

It’s useful to place a prop under your sit bones, just as you would with any other seated position. It will give you the leverage to maintain a straight back instead of hunching it over. You can use a blanket or bolster to support your back, or you can roll the mat underneath.

After practicing the Revolved Head-to-Knee Pose, it’s impossible not to feel a sense of accomplishment. It may feel great to be able to fold your leg all the way up. If your body is not in alignment, you could suffer an injury or be unable to progress.

Like every other yoga pose, the Revolved head-to-knee Pose can teach us a lot. I learned patience, self-care, and even surrender.

What is this pose teaching you? Feeling a sense of accomplishment and challenge after practicing this posture? Please share your experience with us!

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