Lotus Pose

3 min read

This pose is a beautiful representation of the lotus flower, a symbol of perseverance and fearlessness. The lotus flower is able to grow and blossom while surrounded by muddy waters. This metaphor is used to encourage us to reach our full potential despite any obstacles or negativity we encounter.

Lotus Pose is a simple pose, but it requires patience and practice to master it.

Lotus Pose, or a similar position where you sit in silence and stillness to meditate, is a common practice. Meditation is easier to say than do. This pose can be incredibly beneficial and rewarding for both the physical and mental aspects.


Lotus Pose is difficult for many people because of tight hips. Lotus would be difficult to achieve at the start of a yoga practice. We need to warm up our hips through a series of stretches.

In preparation, I’d suggest a wide-leg Child’s pose, a few Warriors poses, Pigeon Poses, Fire Log Poses, and Bound angle.

Lotus Pose

Sit on the floor, legs straight out.

Root down firmly through your sit bones.

Bring the foot up and across the body to the left elbow.

Hook your right foot into the left elbow. Then, bring the hands together to create a cradle.

You can rock your leg gently back and forth to help open up the hips.

Bring the right foot so that the outside edge of the toes rests on the left groin.

Lift the right leg and bend the knee of the left by leaning slightly back.

Swivel your left hip and bring your left foot up to the right groin.

Press your heels firmly into your stomach.

Keep your spine long and sit tall.

Rest your hands on your knees, facing either up or down.

If you find this pose comfortable, sit here and do a few minutes of deep breathing or meditation.

Practice on both sides.

Modifications & Cautions

If you find this pose difficult to do at first, then try Half Lotus. Bring one foot in the groin while leaving the other leg on the floor. Use a blanket to support the bottom leg. It would be best if you practiced on both sides in order to improve flexibility equally.

This pose is not suitable for people with ankle or knee injuries.


This pose physically opens the hips and stretches your ankles and knees. Regular practice of this pose is said to reduce menstrual symptoms and even ease childbirth. Lotus Pose strengthens the spine and improves posture.

This hip opening releases stress, negativity, and fear that are all stored in the hips. Lotus is a meditation pose that allows us to relax and calm our minds.

Yoga is said to calm the body and prepare it for meditation. Lotus Pose is the culmination of all your yoga classes. The body is ready and open to receive the benefits of Lotus.

This deep release can be therapeutic but also overwhelming. The mental work you can do after you achieve this pose begins with the physical work.

Do you incorporate Lotus Pose into your regular practice? What is your favorite part? Please share your thoughts with us!

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