Yoga and Cardiac Health

5 min read


High blood pressure, as well as coronary artery diseases, can be successfully treated with yoga and relaxation. Yoga therapy reduces not only high blood pressure but also serum cholesterol, triglycerides, and free fatty acids. It also lowers blood glucose levels, body weight, and blood sugar. The yogic practice also improves one’s fitness and efficiency.


1. Tadasana:


a. Stand with your hands at the sides of your body and feet together.

b. Slowly raise your hands over your head and stretch as far as you can.

With the heels raised, it is possible.

Try to maintain the position between 10 and 20 seconds.

Exhale slowly and return to your basic position.

Repeat the position 3 to 5 times.

2. Ardha Matsyendrasana:


a. Sit with your legs straightened.

b. Fold the right leg inwards and place it near the hip. Then, fold the left leg and place it on the opposite side of the leg.

Try to grasp the left toe or knee with your right hand. Take your left hand and twist it back.

Hold the position between 10-20 seconds.

Repeat the sequence, but with your left leg folded.

Exhale slowly and return to your starting position.

Repeat this step 3-5 times.

3. Bhujangasan


a. Lay on your stomach with both legs and hands together.

b. Place the hands slowly under the shoulders and the chin on the floor.

By inhaling slowly, try to lift the head, neck, and upper body with elbows bent and inside, but without applying too much pressure to the arms.

d. Hold the position for 10-20 seconds and then slowly exhale. Return to your starting position.

e. Repeat this posture five times.

4. Dhanurasan


a. Lay on your stomach with both hands and legs touching.

b. Fold your legs slowly at the knee and bring them closer to your hips.

Hold the ankles from both sides.

d. Inhale slowly and pull your legs back with straightened hands.

Hold the position between 10-20 seconds

Exhale slowly and return to the starting position.

5. Uttan padmasana


a. Lay on your back, with both hands and legs touching.

b. Inhale slowly and raise your legs at a 30-degree angle. Hold this position for five to ten counts. Exhale and return to the starting position.

Hold the position for 5-10 seconds. Exhale and return to the starting position.

Inhale now and lift both legs to 90 90-degree angle. Hold it for 5-10 seconds. Exhale and return to the starting position.

6. ArdhaShalabasan


a. Lay on your stomach with your hands and legs next to your body and your chin resting on the ground.

b. Place the palms either under or next to the thighs. Inhale, raise your right leg above the knees and hold this position for 10-20 seconds. Exhale slowly and return to the starting position.

Repeat this step with your left leg.

Repeat the exercise alternately for 3 to 6 times with your right leg and left leg.

7. Merudhandasan


a. Lay on your back, with both hands and legs touching.

b. Slowly bring your hands up to shoulder level, either sideways or at an angle to the body.

Inhale slowly and bend your right leg at the joint of the knee. Place the right foot on the left knee.

Hold the position for 10-20 seconds.

Inhale, and then return to the center and the base position.

Repeat this step with your left leg.

8. Sethubandhasan


a. Lay on your back, hands and feet together.

b. Fold your legs slowly and bring them closer to your hips.

Slowly, while inhaling, try to raise your hips as high as possible.

Hold the ankles for 12-20 seconds, and then slowly exhale and come back.

Stretch your legs out and return to the starting position.

Repeat the posture 3 to 5 times.

9. Gomukhasana


a. Stretch your legs out in front.

b. Bring the left leg closer to your body by bending it at the knee. Raise your left leg and tuck it under the right thigh so that the foot touches the buttock.

Toes should point away from the body.

Draw your right foot in and cross it across the left thigh.

Place the right heel close to the buttock on the left. The heel of the right foot should touch the buttock on the left.

Place your right and left knees together.

g. Keep your head and spine straight.

h. Rotate the left elbow, and bring the forearm to the back so that the elbow points down.

i. As far as possible, push the forearm up the spine.

j. Raise your right arm straight so that it touches your right ear.

Bending the elbow, bring the forearm over the right shoulder.

Try to reach your left hand.

m. Lock both hands’ forefingers.

Keep your neck, head, and back straight.

o. Hold the pose and look in front for a few moments.

Return to your starting position.

q. Repeat the pose with arms and legs in reversed positions.

10. Shavasan


a. Lay on your back comfortably.

b. Distance your legs by about one foot and a half.

Place your hands on the floor at a distance of 6 inches.

Let your palms face up, with fingers slightly curled and closed eyes.

After a few minutes, return to your normal position.


1. Deep Breathing

2. Anulom vilom

3. Brahamari

4. Sheetali

5. Sheetkari

6. Cat stretch breathing

7. Hand stretch breathing


1. DRT

2. OM Meditation

3. Yoga Nidra


1. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans

2. Fresh flaxseed oils

3. Increase the intake of onions and garlic.

4. Vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower are good for you.

5. Green leafy vegetables are good for you.

6. Increase your intake of soy.

7. Dark berries such as blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries should be consumed in greater quantities.

8. Oat bran is a good source of fiber.

9. You can consume green tea or herbal tea.

10. Drink 2 liters or more of water each day.

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