Any reason that brings you onto your mat is a good reason.
Yoga is a great way to improve your flexibility, strength, mental calmness, and ability to face challenges.
What if you could go beyond these great reasons and explore something deeper?
What would it be like to go beyond your muscles, bones, and mental health in order to bring your life’s purpose, your heart’s mission, the wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am of your entire existence to center stage on your yoga mat?
The answer is: It’s freakin’ awesome!
All the other reasons to practice yoga would remain. You would still feel calmer and more relaxed in your body, but you could also experience something more vibrant. Your practice would gain a solid foundation — something that could uplift not only you but all humanity.
It can be a bit lofty to think that your yoga practice could change the world. It is possible; I can see it and feel it every day.
Let’s Break It Down
You can say that your practice has made you calmer and more kind. Take that energy and spread it around to your friends, family, and colleagues. You can be sure that your closest friends and family members are affected by what you do. Your practice positively impacts the people closest to you. They then spread this positive energy.
See? See?
Even if you only make a small gesture, such as a smile, extended eye contact, or a kind word, these gestures have a profound impact on us.
Create a deeper purpose for your practice.
A goal is not an intention. It is something that you cultivate within yourself. Your practice will help it grow. It is planted in your being at an energetic and spiritual level.
Your asana is the sun, and your breath is the soil. Your internal gaze (antara drishti) is rain, which magnifies whatever you choose to focus on.
You may want to plant the seeds of acceptance, kindness, playfulness, surrender — or it could be a picture or an idea that you find moving.
The more you practice this intention, the stronger it becomes.
How to Set Intention
Take a few deep breaths at the start of your meditation to help clear your mind. You don’t have to think about your intention too much or conjure it up. You need to stop, quieten the noise and listen. Your heart knows what you want.
Listening to the whispers from your heart can be difficult at first, especially when your mind is blaring. Be persistent and gentle while using your breath to tap into the possibilities of the moment.
You can bring your intention into focus before you start moving on the mat. You can also use it to check if your practice is in line with your intentions.
What it Does on the Mat
You can, for instance, decide to set an intention of kindness. Before you begin your practice, allow yourself time to reflect on this intention.
You can ask yourself: Am I being kind as I continue to play Warrior II and improve my flexibility, strength, and other attributes? It would be more considerate to take a moment here. What I do in this moment is based on kindness.
It is the intention that gives you a structure to work from and within. This framework contains your practice and also expands it.
What Happens in the World
You can check your intention when you are out of the mat. You can check in with your intention when dealing with a rude salesperson or trying to convince a friend of your point of view. Am I being kind? Do my words and actions reflect my intentions?
It’s exciting to see how much more powerful an intention becomes the more you use it. It starts to change the way that you view yourself, how you perceive the world, and, ultimately, how you live your precious lives.
Sankalpa in Sanskrit
Sankalpa is the Sanskrit word for intention. Sankalpa is a vow, i.e., the rule that must be followed above all others. The Sankalpa reflects your deeper life meaning.
Sankalpa can only blossom if you have the will, dedication, and action to maintain it. What does this look like on the yoga mats? It would be best if you had the determination to stay with your goal and the perseverance necessary to make it a reality.
Stick with one goal for as long as it takes until you see results. We all like to try new things, but if you find an intention that speaks to your soul, stick with it. Do not doubt if it is right. Be present and dedicated, and let your intentions evolve.
This intention, your Sankalpa, will become your mantra. It can be used as an anchor or slingshot. It will keep you stable and grounded while also allowing you to shine upward. Intention will bring more meaning to your practice and elevate your entire life.
Have you set an objective for your life? Has it changed your life? Comment below to share your experiences!
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