It never ceases to amaze me how the level of energy and activity increases when September rolls around. Fall is indeed a time of change.
In my yoga class, I observe students arriving on their mats in a variety of states. From the fidgety ones to those who are utterly tired and would love to spend the entire class in Savasana.
The hustle and bustle outside the yoga studio is evident as people prepare for the new school year or deal with increased demands at work.
Prepare for Change
You will also see more animal activity if you live in an area with distinct seasons. This includes flocks of birds in the sky and woodland creatures scrambling around to find food. As in spring, fall is also a time of increased activity as we prepare to hibernate for the winter.
You’re not the only one who feels rushed or scattered. The air is in the atmosphere! This is the perfect time to practice some balance to help you better manage your seasonal challenges. Here are my favorite fall poses, which you can do at any time of the day or night.
These three exercises are my favorites because they allow me to move my spine in different directions. (Yay, mobility!) They also cultivate strength. These poses offer both stimulating and calming elements that will help you find inner balance during this season.
Cobra (Bhujangasana)
Backbends infuse the heart with oxygenated blood. The backbends allow you to breathe more deeply, which can give your body a boost of energy.
It’s also helpful in fighting off seasonal colds.
Half Lord of the Fishes (Ardha Mathsyendrasana),
Twists help to cleanse the body from within by building heat. Twists have similar effects to backbends. They are also balancing and revitalizing the spine.
This seated variation allows you to rotate more easily from your belly button upwards and ground through the sit bones. It is the ideal position to ponder life’s deepest questions with just a few breaths.
Balasana (Child’s Pose)
This forward bending reduces external sensory distracters and can help calm the mind. This forward bend offers a passive and gentle stretch for the back and shoulders, which automatically encourages you to express gratitude.
Listen to your breath and let the practice make you more selective about how you spend your energy away from the mat.
You can take your time to add a soothing tone to the poses. Start by staying in the two first poses for a few breaths.
Do not try to hold poses rigidly. Instead, embrace an exploratory approach. If you want to add some pulsation to each pose or mini-Vinyasas to them, go ahead. The last pose can be held for as long as you wish.
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